We enjoy solving riddles and find great satisfaction in putting the pieces of a difficult puzzle together. We are a structural failure analysis firm with a focus on major and complex structural investigations including non-building structures. We investigate existing facilities to determine the root cause of structural and building envelope failures. We specialize in dispute resolution, litigation support, and expert witness testimony. We provide a wide range of services primarily to construction litigation lawyers. Our impartial Consulting Engineers provide independent expert opinions and act as expert witnesses for subrogation, mediation, arbitration, and litigation cases. Our comprehensive and jargon-free reports have often helped our clients quickly settle actions and resolve disputes saving them time and money. We pride ourselves on being truth seekers and our clients often regard us as trusted advisors. Our practice covers a wide range of investigations including:

= Subrogation & Litigation Support

= Structural Forensics & Failures

= Geo-Structural & Shoring Investigations

= Building Code Reviews

= Building Enclosures & Roofing Disputes

= Fire Protection Requirements

= Construction Vibration Damage

= Professional Liability & Standard of Care

= Code-Related Personal Injuries